Yammer is a private social network; collaborate securely across departments, geographies, content and business applications.
"Yammer is a social network much like Twitter or Facebook, but it differs in a couple of key ways. First, not everyone can join Yammer. You have to have an email address associated with a company or institution to join the network, thus there are no extraneous postings that are unrelated to the people who you work with professionally. The second difference is Yammer is a professional network and all of the postings are intended to allow collaboration between people in the company to work on projects or help solve various issues. There are several features of Yammer; the ones used in this course were the ability to create a private group, chat with various members, and see who is online. Live feeds, the use of polls, the announcements feature, the embedding of articles, and the response features to postings were also utilized." - Victoria Raish (http://elearnmag.acm.org/featured.cfm?aid=2517042)
See how Yammer can be used in education - http://www.schoolnet.org.za/PILP/office365/yammer2-20ways.html
Setting up Yammer:
1. Got to: https://nmmuprofiles.nmmu.ac.za/_layouts/15/Yammer.aspx and click on “Take me to Yammer”
2. One the sign up page, enter your NMMU email address and click on the “Sign up” button
3. You will see the message below and receive and activation email.
4. In the activation email, click on the link provided:
5. The link will take you to an activation page with the email field prepopulated. On the page, wait for it to prompt you for your NMMU login details (see step 6 below)
6. You will get prompted for your NMMU username and password. Please enter those.
7. After a successful login, you will see your Yammer landing page.
Once you have been set up, you can also access your Yammer page by browsing to https://www.yammer.com
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