I you ever wanted to get student feedback, classroom engagement or participation, Moodle has a few options available to you.
- A choice activity is very simple – the teacher asks a question and specifies a choice of multiple responses.
- Choice requires some preparation time for creating your activity and thinking about what results you would like to achieve, but your participation with the activity itself is likely to be minimal.
- It can be useful as
- a quick poll to stimulate thinking about a topic;
- class has to join a group for a quick group activity here you can add limits
- to quickly test/gauge students' understanding
- To facilitate student decision making, for example allowing students to vote on a test date perhaps or on direction for the course.
- Choice results may be published after students have answered, after a certain date, or not at all. Results may be published with student names or anonymously.
- Multitude of settings
o Availability restriction on date/time, groups, linked to other activities
o Whether to display results to the students at all, whether to display after they answered or only once the choice is closed
o Show column for unanswered
o Enable completion tracking
- The feedback activity module enables a lecturer to a create custom survey
- Can be used for collecting feedback from participants using a variety of question types including multiple choice, yes/no or text input.
- Feedback responses may be anonymous if desired, and results may be shown to all participants or restricted to lecturers only.
- Feedback activities may be used
- For course evaluations, helping improve the content for later participants
- For anonymous surveys
- For lecturer evaluations
- The Questionnaire tool allows you to create many different types of question: you can ask students to respond with a date, a number, a short or long text answer; by ticking a check box, selecting a radio button or a Yes/No answer or an item from a dropdown list; or by rating something on a scale.
- You can create a Moodle questionnaire in 3 ways:
- create a completely new questionnaire from scratch.
- copy an existing one belonging to the course, or a "template" course, and change it to suit your purposes
- use an existing "public" questionnaire. You cannot edit a public questionnaire, or view responses to it - only the person who created it can.
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