Let's hit some tools, first up, curation. Recent blog posts

Let's hit some tools, first up, curation.

I am sure you all know how difficult it is to keep track of all the information you find on your specific topic out there. We all have different ways of storing the links to our favourite bits of information. One could add them to one's Favourites but if your machine had to crash, boom, all gone. Maybe even more importantly; how can I group my information and share it in a nice looking format with my colleagues or students?  

Imagine your information sources all grouped together and shared in magazine/newspaper format with you colleagues/students. That is now possible. All you have to do is add a button to browser's toolbar. Whenever you find something interesting during your browsing or research on the internet, click on in it and voilà, it gets saved to your predefined topic.


Once you are done curating your topic, share it with your students through Twitter, Facebook or links! They will be presented with a nice, magazine type interface to your info.


Read this article on Curation in Education


Some tools:


Posted by Shaun Meyer on 23 March 2012 11:52:26

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