SharePoint 2010: Collaborate, network, teach. Recent blog posts

SharePoint 2010: Collaborate, network, teach.

SharePoint 2010: Collaborate, network, teach.

You probably already know that we already have a pretty amazing collaboration tool at the NMMU. Blogs, forums, wikis, shared documents, online calendars to name some of the functionality. SharePoint 2010 is indeed very powerful. Both our student and staff portals as well as their mobile versions run on custom developed SharePoint 2010 sites.

What may be less obvious is SharePoint’s “My Site”. This functionality offers us social networking opportunities with our colleagues, lectures and students. You can post what is on your mind, leave a note on your or a colleague’s wall. Share documents, expertise, tags, learn more about your colleagues and students etc.


Find it by going to the staff portal or student portal (or any NMMU SharePoint site for that matter). Click on your name displayed in the top right-hand corner of the site and select “My Site” from the menu:

Finding My Site



Another very usual tool on this site is the link to your “Skydrive”. Please note that this is a NMMU specific link added to the My Site template. This file storage area is based on the internet (the cloud). It enables you to store files privately and publicly. Once you have drop a file in the public folder, you can share it through almost any tool out there! It will simply be a link.



This video will give you a nice overview as well links to more vids on SharePoint:


Alternatively you can check out the NMMU’s Teachme site for more info on SharePoint as well as other MS products.


Like I said be before, SharePoint is a very powerful platform. I can never cover all the functionality in this blog. All you need to know is available and waiting for you right now!


Posted by Shaun Meyer on 24 March 2012 05:52:06

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