Adventures of a Blended Learning Techie
Through this blog I will share useful information gathered, outcomes of product reviews and new technologies implemented at the NMMU. Note that this will be from a technologist/ICT point of view.
Darelle's News
Things I have been up to
Developing, Problematizing and Testing An Applied Dialectical Method in South Africa
This blog tests and develops an applied dialectical method of qualitatively transforming individuals' lives and democracies of and for all in dignity, humanity, wellbeing, growth and empowerment and equality in South Africa. This is through using and fusing contradictions and the tension this arises and cycles of dialectical critical reflections and dialogues, enquiries and co-enquiries into carefully formulated questions, empirical work and anthropological and ontological reflections and testing. I discuss the work, test ideas and narrate my working and developing this method from theory to an empirical possibility of a practiced and applied empirical method. I also problematize (identifying weaknesses and problems with it) the method as I critically reflect and dialogue on it, its extent and merit, components, theories, essence and intention.
EUS Guides
How to's and guides
Kevin Paul
Blog site for South African swimmer, Kevin Paul. Kevin is a Law student at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
This is a light-hearted look at life at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University - be it events, lecturers, student fashions, new buildings, sports teams, achievements or even the monkeys. Whatever's happening let's share it.
MiPad - me and my iPad-2
This blog's all about iPad stuff, as it happens to me.
a daily inspitational note from Rashied Adams
My reflections, dealings and walk with the Lord.