Blog posts

The Management Executive Committee of Transformation somewhere

asserts that one of its objectives is “ Seeking value in those who differ from us instead of criticising and judging"


Posted to Developing, Problematizing and Testing An Applied Dialectical Method in South Africa by Alon Serper on 17 September 2015 10:14:53 | with 0 comments

some comments on an ongoing anthropological debate

CUSAS Annual Marilyn Strathern Lecture, 30 May 2014

Eduardo Viveiros de Castro

Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro




Who is afraid of the ontological wolf ?

Ontology, epistemology, anthropology, politics and science

Very strongly recommending the attached paper/talk on ontology, anthropology, epistemology, science and politics - studying and engaging the other and oneself


An easier summary can be accessed at

Slides to A Future Unfolding: The Meaning of "Qualitative Transformation

Slides to my Limmud Presentation 

A Future Unfolding: The Meaning of "Qualitative Transformation


presentation to the Limmud Conference:

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