The recording of lectures for students to revisit after a contact session is becoming more and more prevalent. This is especially relevant in South Africa where we have eleven official languages. Many of your students may not speak English as their first language and may struggle with understanding the language, never mind the concept you are trying to get across.
Did you know you can display tweets from Twitter in a Moodle Block using Twitter's official Widget tool? It is possible to display tweets from a single account, from multiple accounts, your own favourite tweets or tweets based on a search such as a hashtag. You will need a Twitter account to create the Widget.
On the oppressed oppressor.
On the freedom of being oppressed.
On the fear of the oppressor which becomes irrational and assumes a construct of its own. The oppressed constructs a narrow perception of the and his/her world. He/she will defend this self-made construct with his/her life. Challenging it means a shift of values and consequently identity and ontology. He/she will cease to be him/her, be launched into an ontological dread of complete identity and ontology crises, not knowing who he/she is and what he/stands for (embodied values and self-knowledge and knowledge of the world).
My applied dialectical method is based on an ontological shift and discomfort/insecurity in order to change the undesired anti-thesis to the desired thesis and transform the desired thesis and poietically construct and create the ontological improvement and transformation and learning and knowledge
The ontology needs to undergo creative tension and discomfort.
The assumption that this ontological tension will lead to cycles of reflection, action and dialogue with trusted critical friends who say the truth and are authentic. It is not an agreeable process.
Individuals need to be made question their own beings and experience ontological crises, void and self-disgust with their lives to react, critically reflect, change and dialogue
They must be able to self-critique and self-criticise, and be very vulnerable