The recording of lectures for students to revisit after a contact session is becoming more and more prevalent. This is especially relevant in South Africa where we have eleven official languages. Many of your students may not speak English as their first language and may struggle with understanding the language, never mind the concept you are trying to get across.
I must be honest, this came as somewhat of a surprise to me! A list was compiled by the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies using the Top 10 Tools lists of 531 learning professionals worldwide. And the winner is ...
Recently, numerous players in the Blended Learning environment have made strong statements in favour of using Facebook in the classroom as a teaching and learning tool. One speaker went as far as to say that Facebook, according to him, is the best Learning Management System (LMS) out there.
Meet online, have question and answer sessions, get input from your class as you go along. There are many possible applications of these simple to use tools.
You probably already know that we already have a pretty amazing collaboration tool at the NMMU. Blogs, forums, wikis, shared documents, online calendars to name some of the functionality. SharePoint 2010 is indeed very powerful. Both our student and staff portals as well as their mobile versions run on custom developed SharePoint 2010 sites.