some comments on an ongoing anthropological debate
CUSAS Annual Marilyn Strathern Lecture, 30 May 2014
Eduardo Viveiros de Castro
Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro
Who is afraid of the ontological wolf ?
explaining the world of the other, but rather of multiplying our world, ‘filling it with all of those things expressed that do not exist beyond their15
Let me return here to the ‘one or several wolves‘ title of that last section. In
expression’ (Deleuze). Do not explain too much, do not try to actualise the possibilities
expression’ (Deleuze).
Anthropology’s role, then, is not that of world
immanent to others’ thought, but endeavour to sustain them as possible indefinitely.
p. 14
The selfdetermination of the other is the other-determination of the self.)
The Deleuzian moment in which the world of the Other does not exist beyond its expression transforms itself into an abiding condition, that is, a condition anthropological relation, which renders this possibility
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