children dying: A child is a child is a child is a child Recent blog posts

children dying: A child is a child is a child is a child

The two sides have gone so mad to the extent of displaying anger and disgust when people "dare" to mourn the death of the children of the other side "enemy".  He/she who dares  reminding that a child is a child and the other side mourns its own children is called a "traitor", "an insane lefty/liberal" and other insults.


Only we have the right to mourn our children.  Only our children count.  The other side's children are just numbers, "collateral damage", the fault of those beasts who shoot at Israel. How dare you mention Palestinian children die in their hundreds? Look at this beautiful child? Look at what those animals did? They killed this child deliberately.  Those Palestinian  children die when hamas used them as human shields.  It is not our fault.  We are only protecting our children, like this beautiful one.   


Meanwhile children are gone, no more.


Racism and euro-centrism is also displayed


A European child, with light complexion, skin, eyes and hair.  What is he doing among the 'barbarians' "darkies"?  How many "darkies" non-European looking is he worth?  I am being cynical, and hurtful.


The eyes and innocence of those children haunt me for days now.  I am functioning very badly.


The children become pawns in the game.  Part of political and nationalistic discourse.  They lost their identities and lives in all possible ways.  They are nationalized and internationalized.  They become part of propaganda games, narrative games, language game.



Palestinian mourners cry at Gaza City's al-Shifa hospital after an playground explosion.



Posted by Alon Serper on 25 August 2014 09:42:35

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THoughtful and interesting

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