Description of the project of a book on the meanings and evaluation of "qualitative transformation"  Recent blog posts

Description of the project of a book on the meanings and evaluation of "qualitative transformation" across disciplines, contexts and practices


Description of Project


Politicians, managers and administrators frequently talk of "transformation," especially in countries like South Africa, which seek to move away from a painful past of oppression, autocracy, dehumanisation, exploitation, and injustice to a more just and democratic future for its people. "Qualitative transformation" is an important research theme at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (South Africa) and is part of the governmental and institutional Vision 2020 scheme. What does “qualitative transformation” mean? How can we evaluate it? We need to explore “qualitative transformation” from different perspectives, research disciplines, and contexts. 


This book will present international research on “qualitative transformation” from different perspectives, disciplines, and contexts. Each contributor will explain and clarify the meaning of “qualitative transformation" in relation to their own research and experiences. They will be critically engaging with relevant theories, practices, and methodologies, and supporting their ideas with evidence and critical reflections.


This will be of value for readers who are interested in defining, debating and understanding “qualitative transformation” and to carry out their own research and practice in evaluating and bringing about qualitative transformation. Each contribution will display situations, practices and lives in different countries and contexts and the values and commitments of different practitioners struggling to make a difference to humanity, their community and country, and the future of the world. 


It is hoped this this will assist policy makers, politicians, managers and administrators to define and understand the words “qualitative transformation."


This is a call for papers for a volume on the meanings of qualitative transformation and how to evaluate it.


The initial title and subtitle are


"Qualitative Transformation: Interdisciplinary Research and Reflections on It Meaning and Evaluation



Brief description of the aim of the book


In this book, different authors from different disciplines and countries explore the meaning of “qualitative transformation.” Each author explains and evaluates “qualitative transformation” in terms of their own area of research and presents their own theories, evidence-based analysis, literature reviews, and critical engagement. 

Call for Papers


"Qualitative Transformation: Interdisciplinary Research and Reflections on Its Meaning and Evaluation (October, 2015)


The newly established Africa Earth Observatory Net -Earth Stewardship Science Research Institute (AEON-ESSRI) at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa, and Trébol Press, Los Angeles, seek to publish a collection of peer reviewed papers on the timely theme of “qualitative transformation”.


We welcome contributions from around the world and across disciplines and transdisciplinarily that enquire into or describe projects in evaluating qualitative transformation and looking into the meanings and implications of qualitative transformation, and how to summon it from any perspective, context, area of research, and methodology. Each author explains and evaluates “qualitative transformation” in terms of their own area of research and presents their own theories, evidence-based analysis, literature reviews, and critical engagement. 


Required length: 5000 to 12000 words


Deadline for a 250-400 words abstract, March 31, 2015


Deadline for submission July, 1, 2015


Edited by Alon Serper (Earth Stewardship Science Research Institute, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

Send abstracts or enquiries to Alon Serper at


To be published by Trébol Press


Sponsored by the Africa Earth Observatory Net-Earth Stewardship Science Research Institute, chaired by Prof. Maarten de Wit.

Posted by Alon Serper on 30 December 2014 11:17:27

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Nic Wickens
THoughtful and interesting

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Let us understand the other side, engage him or her, put ou...

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Thank you Sameera, Racism is inexcusable. There canno...

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These confessions pages are certainly a very interesting (i...


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