Erich Fromm on progress Recent blog posts

Erich Fromm on progress

Here is what progress means to the humanistic philosopher Erich Fromm


IvanD Illich Celebration of Awareness A Call for Institutional Revolution Calder & Boyars London 1969



Introduction by Erich Fromm


p. 9

progress” means the principle of ever-increasing production, consumption, timesaving, maximal efficiency and profit, and calculability of all economic activities without regard to their effect on the quality of living and the unfolding of man, or the dogma that increasing consumption makes man happy, that the management of large-scale enterprises must necessarily  be bureaucratic and alienated; that the aim of life is having (and using), not being; that reason resides in the intellectual and is split from the affective life; that the newer is always better than the older; that the radicalism is the negation of tradition; that the opposite of “law and order”  is lack of structure.  In short, that the ideas and categories that have  arisen during the development of modern science and industrialism are superior to those of all former cultures and indispensable for the progress of the human race.

Posted by Alon Serper on 07 January 2015 13:22:13

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THoughtful and interesting

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Thank you Sameera, Racism is inexcusable. There canno...

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