Critical self-reflection and reflection, self-accountability and my moodle Recent blog posts

Critical self-reflection and reflection, self-accountability and my moodle

As you know, I have a Research Tips moodle wherein the aims and wishes are as followed:


I wish to help with scholarship, scholarly writing and research. Practitioner-oriented students and staff seem to be overwhelmed by research and the research components of their courses. Research is the number one cause of drop out. I wish to make research exciting as a significant contribution to knowledge and scholarship.

The aim here in this forum (moodle) is to support Masters and Doctoral candidates and beginning and intermediary researchers in their research programmes.

To provide tips and advice, as well as resources and materials. I

To provide spaces for questions on and discussions about the degree programmes and research practices and careers.

The main objective is to provide an answer to the alienation and loneliness that many Masters and Doctoral candidates experience as they conduct their researches and to ensure that they get their degrees as quickly and smoothly as possible and in a manner that is pleasant and enriching for them


I have put this tip this morning in my moodle at


A researcher must know to critically reflect on his/her actions, intentions, plans and feelings and experiences.  There is no research inquiry without this that should become natural and should practiced again and again.


Picture of Alon Serper
Please remember to keep critical reflections on everything you do and why you did it - keep up clear critical reflective notes as much as possible
by Alon Serper - Friday, 18 July 2014, 8:30 AM

Please remember to keep critical reflective journal and notes on everything you do to advance in your research.  Describe your action, explain it, rationalize it, note what happened, was it according to your plan? What was your plan? What did you want to do? Write some theory that accompanies your plan. Bring the ideas of others and describe them. Later on, in due curse, you will critique and critically engage with the ideas of those authors. 

What was your intention and rationale for doing this specific action?

Why this particular action and not another action, or series of action?

Did it work? Did it follow your intention, rational and plan? How well or bad did it follow or implement your plan, intention and rational? partly, complete disaster, well,  Describe and explain it and elaborate?

You did not succeed because?

What went bad and why?

What went well and was good?

What would you have done differently? Why?

What did you learn?


What did you feel every step?

Revise the initial plan or make a new one.

Obviously do it in the firstperson singular (I)  "This researcher" is ridiculous and 'We' is reserved to the queen.


I am doing this a few times a day.   I do it naturally and instinctively.  It is part of me - a reflective and self-critical person. And it helped.  It does not take la long time.  You will be able to critically engage with your work, methodology, theory and ontology. 

People also respect me and my integrity more and open up to me and my work more easily.  It evokes sympathy and respect.  No one likes a person who thinks all his or her  actions and being-in-the-world are perfect and his/her unsuccessful  actions are all due to other people and nothing is ever due to his oversights. We have to critically reflect on and learn from our actions.  We must take self-accountability.

 It is not going to be pleasant, but can be cathartic.  And not everything we do is pleasant.  This is part of being a researcher and I believe human.

Posted by Alon Serper on 18 July 2014 08:26:42

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THoughtful and interesting

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