In Page 61 of his 1992, The End of History And the Last Man. New York The Free Press, Francis Fukuyama notes
The Hegelian dialectic is similar to its Platonic predecessor, the Socratic dialogue, that is, a conversation between two human beings on some important subject like the nature of good or the meaning of justice. Such discussions are resolved on the basis of the principle of contradiction: that is, the less self-contradictory side wins, or, if both are found in the course of the conversation to be self-contradictory, then a third position emerges free of the contradictions of the initial two. But this third position may itself contain new, unforeseen contradictions, thereby giving rise to yet another conversation and another resolution.
We see here the characteristics of the dialectics
1. transforming dialogue
2. contradiction and fusion of contradictions
3. Two contradictory / alternative things emerging and transforming into a third
4. tension
A and B to C
Compare this with the propositional of Either Or namely
and if...then
If Not linguistic proposition/assertion A then linguistic proposition B
A is validated through the empirical invalidation of B and B is validated through the empirical invalidation of A - Contradictions are not allowed as they lead to an invalidation by a validation of the alternative. I talked about this in the lesson on Popper. C cannot happen. It is Either A or B
We can also see how the dialectics can and usually includes the propositional in its And logic whilst, as stressed by Popper, the propositional cannot contain the dialectics in its Either Or logic
the contradictions of living/leading a dissatisfying life and leading a meaningful and satisfying life in the enquiry of How do I lead a more meaningful and satisfying life?, the tension between them, and cycles of action, reflection, evaluation, dialogue, re-action to transform and improve lead to a transformation and a more meaningful life
the contradiction of an oppressing, degrading and dehumanizing autocracy and a democracy of and for all in dignity, humanity and equality and the tension lead to the transformation of society towards greater democracy by action, reflection, theory and praxis
I am intending to write about Francis Fukuyama's book in future lessons