Teaching and Learning is as valued as Research at NMMU, as the university's academics are recognised for excellent work at the 2013 annual awards ...
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University played host to the first 5km Color Run in Africa, exposing the university up to 9000 runners - and some, since the visual, feel-good event also attracted national media coverage ...
Everyone has a story to tell. Many are worthy of repetition because of the values, life lessons and tenacity of the human spirit they embody as was the case with the stories shared at an NMMU alumni function, titled Reflections.
Chelsea Haith shares why winning the table-tennis for NMMU at this year's Intervarsity was so important ...
If you are losing hope about South Africa's future, especially in light of what isn't happening at our municipality, please do yourself a favour and watch the YouTube video footage - http://ow.ly/nUVMp - of NMMU's three Abe Bailey Travel Bursary finalists. They're an instant pick-me-up. They're students of whom we can be very proud.