Groups   Green Campus Initiative (GCI NMMU)   Pages   OFFICIAL LAUNCH: GREEN GALA


    On the evening of 15 April 2011 at 18h00pm, 110 students from all residences, including South Point, Laboria & Coega Village, together with residence managers, Senior management and Directors, and also Faculty staff, and Various Directors attended our OFFICIAL LAUNCH of GCI NMMU. This proved to be a very Auspicious Occasion as we celebrated the start of a new area for NMMU as leader in Environmental Sustainability. Students shared their passion for the environment through various creative performing arts and entertained the guest with drama, dance, poetry and singing, while instilling a love for our natural environment.

    The Residence managers also officially handed over the GREEN PLEDGE to each Primarius/Primaria of each residence and also recognised the staff and VIP delegates & speakers with gifts of small trees, symbolising our new journey as caretakers of our natural elements. Each delegate attending also received a small plant as token of thanksgiving for attending and being part of our GCI TEAM. Our GCI President, Mr Melvin Roelfse, also called “Mr Green”, did a presentation on GCI, followed by our Keynote Speaker Prof Bert Olivier whom motivated us “to be catalyst and Agents of Change”.


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