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    Now, notice modern happenings that we have. We look at this scientific age that we live in--the push-button age. And yet, people have less time to pray than they ever did have, in all these modern times. They used to set all night and listen to a sermon. And now we just can't do it. We haven't got time to do it. You see, it's just in our head. We think we haven't got time to do it, but we have.
    But modern happens--happenings is a forerunner of spiritual happenings. Now, remember, modern happenings are forerunners of spiritual happenings, the natural as spiritual, exactly. Each happenings accompany the other, only improved over the other. Each thing that happens in the natural... And the next thing that happens is an improvement.

    For instance... Let's take for instance now of transportation. One day there was horse and buggy, and then we got the automobile. That's still horsepower, but more of it in the automobile. It was an improvement of horsepower. Certainly. When we got the automobile, it was an advantage over the horse and buggy. And then we rode the horse and buggy. Then we took the automobile. And after the automobile, the Wright brothers come along and made an airplane: still horsepower (See?), but it's an improvement.
    One accompanies the other. One happening accompanies the other happening all the time. Now, as things... Now, don't fail to get this. Open up ears, heart, and everything now, and listen close.
    When anything happens on earth, it is a warning to us that something is fixing to be--happen from heaven. What man does on earth by His achievement, is something that God's fixing to do by His achievement to His church. Now, we look: that when we come from horse and buggy, automobile, airplane. The church... God has been able in the spiritual line to achieve from justification through Luther, sanctification through Wesley, to the baptism of the Holy Ghost now. See? It's a type, shadow, achievement, what God has been able to do.......

    ...... Now, in this astronaut age in the natural, there's also the astronaut age in the spiritual. What is it? Then the church from an airplane, like the natural, has took a higher flight. Why, that astronaut, there's no airplane going to catch him. He's done gone to where he can't even see an airplane no more. See? And that's the way God is doing now. Instead of being some little school guy come out, and talk about certain things that Dr. So-and-so said years ago, we got eagles, prophets, rising up into the heavenlies, far above the earthbound chicken thought. Astronaut age: God's proven it. Watch it.


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