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    The Time Of Decision

    God's looking for men today that will move when the Spirit moves, anywhere that He may send. That's a model servant.
    And not only that, but when he got to his place where his messages was to be given, he never boasted on himself. He never spoke about how great he was, or how great his meetings was, or how great anything about himself. He wasn't a boaster or proud. But he only spoke of his master, and of his master's wealth, and that his master had a son that was going to fall heir to everything the master had.
    What a beautiful picture of a real servant of God: His whole attention is on the Master, telling the people, not about himself, but about the Master, and about the Son. And He's going to fall heir to all things. He has so much time talking about the Master and the Son, until he has no time to boast on himself or his--or his great regime, or his denomination, or some affiliation that he has. It's all on the Master.

    Now, Eliezer was confronted with a great problem like ministers are today. There was a whole lots of women that he could choose from. And the choice had to be urgent.
    We don't have time to set around and think it over or wonder. We've got to make the decision quickly. The time is at hand......

    .....And if you're that sincere and concerned in your decision about your life's earnings, how much more sincere should you be about your religion and your salvation. We shouldn't go for some of these little fly-by-night ideas, or put your name on a church book, and shake hands with the preacher. That won't work.
    I will recommend you tonight to an old reliable institution that was founded on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost came down to dwell among men. It's the most reliable firm that I know of to invest your soul and your future in eternity, in an old fashion Pentecostal experience. It's been time tested and proved to be the truth. Two thousand years hasn't changed It a bit. And the same dividends that was paid off at Pentecost is still being paid off by this firm: The gift of the Holy Spirit, the power of healing, to see visions, Angels to appear to you. And the ministry that the apostles had, that carried them safely through, will take you to your soul's destination just as safe as it landed them.

    I cannot trust my life earnings, if I had such, upon a fly-by-night. And I don't want any of these little organizations, that sprung up here in these last days, and my name on a paper, or some kind of a little sensation. I want the old reliable experience.
    Make your decision to make a firm confession, and wait till you get that experience to move you on into eternity.
    It was good for Paul and Silas; It done good to Peter that night in the jail. The next day, he was to be beheaded, and the Angel of the Lord came in as a Pillar of Fire, and touched him, and delivered him. That same Angel's still on the--the giving end tonight. It still accompanies the firm of the Holy Ghost and the Church of the living God.

    The same Angel of God that was with Paul on the stormy sea, that night when the devils would glee and laugh at ever stroke of lightening that flashed across the waves. He come running out of there with the assurance, and he said, "The Angel of God, Who's servant I am, has stood by me; there's not going to be a soul lost on this ship."
    I would recommend you to that firm. It's reliable. It's grace. The Name of the Lord is a mighty tower; the righteous run into it, and are safe. Just deposit yourself in that account tonight. God will take care of His own. The deposit is safe. It's accompanied by Angels, and it has signs, and wonders, and visions. And it shows the direct evidence of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Yes.

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