Prof Darelle van Greunen

Visit to Kenya
IST Africa 2013 was held in Nairobi, Kenya.
Professorial Inaugural Lecture
ICT as an enabler of Socio Economic Development Prof Darelle van Greunen School of ICT
Emmanuel Haven Living Lab
The NMMU-Emmanuel Haven Living Lab ecosystem was established in November 2011 in Motherwell, Port Elizabeth. Following that, a computer laboratory infratructure was installed with the computer laboratory becoming operational in June 2012.
FamHealth - NMMU Youth Leadership Academy
Khoekhoegowab - research project
Khoekhoegowab (research project)
Makerere University in Uganda
I was a keynote speaker at the 6th Annual International Conference on Computing and ICT Research.

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e-Health Research Group

The NMMU 2020 Vision “[t]o be a dynamic African University, recognised for its leadership in generating cutting-edge k...

User Experience Research Group

The goal of user experience work is to ensure that ICT products are easy and logical to use and that they provide a positive...

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PO Box 77000 | Nelson Mandela University | Port Elizabeth | 6031 | South Africa