Beverley Erickson

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I say:

Very excited about the first of our new website changes! Welcome connect@nmmu - you're our first baby...
30 May 2011 14:26


Zomthetho Majozi
Zomthetho Majozi
Dear Miss
I am doing an assignment on Online social media advertising and i would like to quote you in my assignment can you please give me your view on this particular issue.I would ask my lecturers but am in George campus there is not much resources available.thank you for your time.

10 September 2011 00:35
Zomthetho Majozi
Zomthetho Majozi
you so kind but unfortunately the assignment has been handed in and returned back with a 83% pass thank you for wanting to help though next time all sure consider you.

Zomthetho Majozi
13 October 2011 15:30
Hi there - that's no problem at all. Would you like to contact me via e-mail?
12 October 2011 10:52

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Gender: Male
Age: 34


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