David Costalago

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Welcome to NMMU Agriculture Management. Our Agricultural group is to assist linking with all students and staff at NMMU. ...

Going Green @ NMMU

This group is for anyone who is interested in Green issues on NMMU campuses.

NMMU International Students Association (ISA)

we are a non-partisan, non-violent, non-political and non-discriminatory student association at NMMU, whose principles and g...

South East African Climate Consortium (SEACC SF NMMU)

SEACC Student Forum (SF) NMMU is a non- profit student organization that strives to represent and tackle environmental issue...

Telephone: 041-504 1111 | Fax: 041-504 2574 / 2731 | E-mail: info@mandela.ac.za

PO Box 77000 | Nelson Mandela University | Port Elizabeth | 6031 | South Africa